Procedure Solutions Management (PSM) has partnered with Info-graphics, a leader in simplifying complex information through 3D rendering, animation, and instructional design.

As the workforce evolves, procedures are changing to adapt to various learning styles. Workers are becoming more accustomed to a visual learning experience, causing many companies to shift from traditional paper procedures and implement changes that apply to the latest technological advancements.

One of these advancements is using images, motion graphics, and animations to engage workers and provide an improved learning experience.

To keep up with this evolved learning style, PSM has partnered with Info-graphics, a leader in simplifying complex information through 3D rendering, animation, and instructional design.

Below we will explore how this partnership will revolutionize procedures by creating a confident, accessible, and safe experience for the end user.

About Info-graphics

For over 25 years, Info-graphics has created technical content that generates clarity, understanding, and confidence. One of the core strengths of their business is instructional design.

Instructional design applies learning theory to instructional content, such as procedures, and carefully considers the materials and methods that will most effectively help the end user achieve their goal.

Info-graphics uses photographs, illustrations, diagrams, flowcharts, and more to demonstrate important points. They also use motion graphics such as animations, live-action videos, and GIFs to illustrate how to perform critical steps. These graphics allow users to view essential information that may not be evident in plain text.

Graphics can help show more distinct information, such as the colors of a wire or specific parts. Users can more easily comprehend how to perform complex tasks, the schematics of new or unfamiliar equipment, or specific interactions between parts or components. Graphics such as diagrams, flowcharts, or tables help the user to understand the part they’re working with before performing the steps of a procedure.

Info-graphics can support industries such as energy and power generation, medicine, science, technology, engineering, and more. They are able to adapt content to any industry, communicating essential information and allowing the user to focus on the task at hand.

Info-graphics uses animation to help surmount barriers of language, culture, and education levels.

How will PSM and Info-graphics’ partnership work?

PSM and Info-graphics will work together to consider when and how to add graphics to your procedure. They will examine the procedure’s length and complexity to determine if graphics will help increase retention and understanding.

They will also consider risks or safety concerns in your procedure. For example, showing the user how to wear PPE or attach a harness properly can decrease the potential for injury or death. If you have equipment that users may be unfamiliar with or that requires specific interactions with another component, this may also be an area where graphics can create better understanding.

Once your procedure has been analyzed, PSM and Info-graphics will determine which types of graphics to use. This could range from still graphics such as diagrams or flowcharts to motion graphics such as animations or live-action videos.

Info-graphics’ highly-skilled designers and artists will create a graphic that best fits your needs. During this process, a PSM consultant will ensure that your graphic follows human-factored guidelines, decreasing the potential for human error.

Info-graphics uses 3D rendering to create photorealistic images that provide further clarity to the end user.

How will this partnership benefit you?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating procedures. For example, a newer generation of visual learners are filling the positions of retired workers. Additionally, for non-native speakers, graphics can significantly increase comprehension. Considering that each person learns in their own unique way, images and motion graphics prove to be a universal language that is inclusive of language, culture, and various learning levels.

While PSM promotes safety first, we cannot achieve safety unless technical procedures generate clarity, understanding, and confidence. That’s why Info-graphics’ business model is entirely based on creating a deeper level of comprehension. They want you to have that “a-ha!” moment – where you’re confident you’ll succeed in the task at hand. If this confidence is absent in your procedures, the risk of human error increases significantly.

Info-graphics’ mission to simplify complex information perfectly complements PSM’s dedication to creating safe human-factored procedures. Procedure writers and reviewers will benefit from this partnership by having technical content that promotes safety and inspires confidence to perform essential tasks.

For more information on Procedure Solutions Management’s and Info-graphics’ partnership, please contact

By Sarah Pickett, Marketing Specialist